Wednesday, March 10, 2010

In Response

I don't have much in the way of coherent thoughts to offer right now, so I'm going to just post a poem I wrote recently called "In Response".

You skirt the edges of my mind,

You pound in my very chest,

You linger in a quiet thought,

You burst through the bleeding west.

Your love is like a roaring furnace,

like a journey back to home,

Your voice is warm, in thundrous silence,

calming me when I’m alone.

You are preeminence, august, glow,

You hold the world, its beams,

my hope.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"You burst through the bleeding west."

I believe the referent here is the sky at twilight? Regardless, I very much enjoy this line. And not just this line but the whole poem.

Thanks for sharing this, Mark.